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Tools, parts & accessories
Price: high to low
1214 Spray kit
1215 Garage Diorama Pack
1213 Drill Press Large Pedestal 70mm
1582 Engine Hoist
1221 Big Hair Lady & Park Bench Kit
Diorama $22.95 + Add to cart
1570 Wheel Barrow
1571 Petrol Pump Wayne
1588 OXY Welder
1589 ARC Welder
1211 Engine stand
1216 Workshop Grinder
1210 Sink
1572 Barrels and Crates
1212 Park Bench Kit
Diorama $12.95 + Add to cart
1584 Crank and Cam Shafts
1587 Junkyard Steelies x 4
1581 Large Tool Box
2355 Toolboard
Diorama $8.95 + Add to cart
1580 Engine Trolley
1585 Oil Bottles and Cans
1586 Drink Bottles and Cans
1217 Ice box
2356 Engine Stand Cut to Fit
2257 Jack stand x 2
2244 Fire Extinguisher
2254 Diorama finned brakes x 4
2338 Yard broom
2262 Parking metre
2261 Surfboard
1218 Old skool magazines (16 double pages)
2240 Rubbish Can Large
Diorama $4.95 + Add to cart